We offer several flexible service delivery options to ensure you get the services you need at a price that fits your budget. Each service offering uses our proven project processes and question-based deliverable templates. You simply choose the level of client effort and expenditure that fits your needs best.
Our delivery options include:
Traditional Consulting Services, Project Coaching Workshops and Online Learning

With the traditional consulting approach, The Prinzo Group leads your project and is responsible for all deliverable production. This may cost you more in expenditures but saves you a great amount of time and effort. Our Traditional Consulting Services include Assessment and Strategy, Procurement and Implementation.

For those who have a little more time and a moderate budget, this combination provides one-on-one coaching-led sessions with The Prinzo Group. In between the coaching sessions, you will complete assignments using our question-based deliverable templates. We review your assignments in the private coaching sessions.
At the end of the program, you will have a complete set of project deliverables. In this offering which costs less than traditional consulting, The Prinzo Group guides, provides expertise, and validates your work while you provide the most effort and learn valuable skills.

As budgets shrink, more organizations may need to turn to a do-it-yourself approach as a final effort to implement change. In this virtual offering, you learn and create your own project deliverables in an online environment.
In the Online Learning Plus approach, we deliver The Prinzo Group knowledge thorough an online curriculum combined with our proven question-based guides to provide you with the knowledge, tools, and templates to build your own project deliverables. The content, step-by-step process, and question-based deliverable templates are identical to those used in our Project Coaching hybrid offering. Since this option doesn’t include personal coaching, you put in most of the effort in exchange for a much lower expense.